Jimi closed the entire Woodstock Festival on the last day at 10:30 am! A lot of people had actually left the area and missed his performance completely. For those that did stay, boy were they in for a treat. Jimi had a large amount of musicians on stage with him including: Mitch Mitchell (drums), Billy Cox (bass), Juma Sultan(Congas), Jerry Valez (Percussion), and Larry Lee (guitar). The group now called Gypsy, Suns and Rainbows (classical Hendrix band name) had been rehersing and jamming in the Woodstock area at a big house. When they hit the stage Jimi led the boys through a scalding, lengthy set which included: Isabella, Voodoo Child, Message to Love, and Hey Joe. Larry Lee actually sang on a couple numbers, one of them called Mastermind. Jimi broke things down with a frenetic, yet beautiful version of Villanova Junction. And of course Jimi's version of the Star Spangled Banner was legendary. Mitch had a really nice drum solo as well. Jimi appeared on the DIck Cavett show shortly after the festival and that interview is now on CD, it's a trip (Jimi really out-wits Dick!) All and all, absolutely great show and very worth while watching the DVD and getting the CD. There are some bootleg versions of the pre-festival jams at Shokan (I believe) that are really good too!
Buy Jimi Henxdrix Live at Woodstock today!
Jimi after a bottle of Blue Nun, shared with Mitch and the guy on guitar with the fallen down head scarf, wicked set. Dig his instrumentals.
But you can't beat some UK drum and Bass right now..holla. D.V.S's set at New Year was the dopest shizzle I ever heard....bwoy rocks the dance like King Dada. Grooverider watch out, you may make other DJs cluck like chicken heads but you gettin old now bro and your flo is gettin slow tho your show is still dope yo!! Pe ee ee eace
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